Online Skincare Consultations

For anyone who is having trouble with their skincare or products, but doesn't necessarily want a facial, this can be a great place to start!

*Do you feel lost in your skincare routine?
*Are you unsure of what products you should be using for your skin type?
*Are you having frequent breakouts (acne, rashes, inflammation)?
*Do you feel like your skin is dry and tight or oily all the time?
*Are you seeing new wrinkles, broken capillaries and dark spots forming?
*Are you homebound from illness or weather and unable to see your esthetician?
*Are you a busy mom who can only fit 30 minutes into your schedule?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you could benefit from a skincare consultation!

My skincare consultation is a virtual meeting where I review detailed images of your skin that you send via email, along with a consultation form that covers your health history and medications to look for any contraindications. I then review your sun tolerance using the Fitzpatrick scale and we go over your current skincare routine, including the products and ingredients you are using. We discuss what is working and what possible changes might be needed to get you the best results.

After the call, I will send detailed instructions and product recommendations from AloeUp, SkinscriptRx, PureCeuticals or Athar'a Pure based on your budget. Orders placed for over $50 will receive a 10% discount. Once ordered, you will receive your products within about a week directly from the company(s).  I will follow up with you after a week to see how the new products are working for you!

A follow up consultation booking is recommended every 2 months to help track your progress.

30 Minute Consultation (Online)

60 Minute Consultation (Online)